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Child Dedications
What is it?
Dedicating children to God is a public commitment you make before God, your church, and your family. This commitment expresses your desire to lead and spiritually nurture the growth and development of a child. Christian parents who dedicate a child are making a promise to the Lord to do everything within their power to raise the child in a Godly way.
If you are considering dedication:
We ask the parent(s) to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We ask the parent(s) to be in agreement with the basics of what we believe.
We ask the parent(s) to be regular attenders of our worship services.
We ask the parent(s) who are living together and who are not married to take steps to acknowledge and surrender to God’s plan for their relationship before participating in a child dedication service.
What to expect during the Service:
Parents will acknowledge their vows before God, their family, and the church, declaring their desire to raise their child in a God-honoring way.
Parent(s) are making the following commitments:
• I/We receive this child with gratitude, as God’s gift to you and your family.
• I/We commit to each other as the parent(s), to create a stable environment in which the child can mature spiritually.
• I/We commit to being parent(s) of personal faith, recognizing children are more likely to follow God’s path by example.
• I/We commit to lead a faith-filled home that honors God in all relationships.
How can I dedicate my child?
Fill out the the form at the link below and we will contact you with next steps.
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