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You're invited to

Come experience our Easter Service in person on Saturday, 4/19 at 6pm or in person & online on Sunday, 4/20 at 8:30, 10 & 11:30am at Immanuel! All four services will be identical, and we will live stream on Facebook & YouTube at 10am on Easter Sunday.

Lent at Immanuel
March 5th: Ash Wednesday Service at 7pm
April 13th: Palm Sunday Services at 8:30, 10, & 11:30am
April 17th: Holy Thursday at Immanuel at 7pm
April 19th: Easter Saturday Service at 6pm
April 20th: Easter Sunday Services at 8:30, 10, & 11:30am

What we're doing
The King is alive! Join us in person Saturday 4/19 at 6pm or Sunday, 4/20, at 8:30, 10, & 11:30am in person, and online at (10am service only) for a day to celebrate the Risen King and hear the GOOD NEWS!
Join us on Holy Thursday (4/17) at 7pm for another intimate service as we reflect on Jesus' death before our Easter celebration on Saturday/Sunday!
Easter is for everyone
We would love for you and your family to join us as we celebrate the risen Lord, Jesus Christ! Easter service is about recognizing EVERYONE'S need for a savior, and sharing in the victory that Jesus brings. Come experience that at Immanuel for our Easter Services!

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