to Serve
At Immanuel, so much of our ministry relies on our amazing volunteers that give their time to help our services and events run smoothly. Below you can see the areas in which we need our church family's help and the staff ministry leaders that those teams report to which you can look up on our team page. You can click the button above or at the bottom of the page in order to sign up!
Volunteer Positions
Worship Team:
We have some awesome, musically talented volunteers at our church and are looking for more! If you have a passion for leading others in worship or think you would find joy in using your gifts during worship services, we welcome you to let us know! We're always looking for talented individuals that can join our team. If you're on the fence, just know we'll be there to coach you through whatever capacity you serve in.
Ministry Leader: Bubba Snodderly

Greeting & Check-In:
For all of our services this position will be the "first impression" of our ministry at Immanuel. Part of these positions involve holding doors, greeting people as they arrive, answering questions or knowing where they can find answers to questions, introducing newcomers to staff, manually checking in guests and taking down newcomers information.
Ministry Leader: Ann Hanson
Technical Arts Team:
At Immanuel we've been blessed with awesome technical resources to make every week happen, and those resources require people like you to run everything. Opportunities we offer include Camera Operator, ProPresenter manager, Lighting manager, Photographer, and Videographer. The tech arts leaders are prepared to train, assist, and support our volunteers in every single one of these positions as they learn, in order to help them feel prepared to do their job to the best of their ability. Join us to make our services happen!
Ministry Leader: Josh Yoder

Our ushers at Immanuel answer questions, take count of people in the building and determine their status on Sundays (guest, volunteer, staff, etc.), and help our attenders find seating.
Ministry Leader: Jon Stuart | jonathanstuart13@gmail.com | (610) 312-3723

Kids Ministry Leader:
Kids ministry on Sundays requires leaders to run it! Allison, our Kids Ministry staff leader, is looking for willing participants with a passion for kids to know Jesus to help her our with the Immanuel Kids Sunday worship service as well as special events planned and targeted at our families with young children!
Ministry Leader: Allison Wetzel
Safety & Security:
Every service or event we always have a team of safety and security staff and volunteers present. The safety and security team monitors what goes on in the building, provides help when necessary, and ensures the safety of every person in the building.
Ministry Leader: JD DiBonaventura
Connect Group Leader:
Some of our connect groups choose to meet on Sunday mornings, and some on weekdays in homes or at the church building. We are continually looking for people to lead groups to help push our mission of worship, growth, connection, and service at Immanuel. The duties of a connect group leader include preparing a weekly devotion to share with the group, encourage discussion, keep the group updated, plan events, etc.
Ministry Leader: Ann Hanson